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If the children were in jeopardy, Child Protective Services would step in. But all CPS would do is take the kids away and that would leave Marcie without her children and still at Dan's mercy. She has nowhere to go, no family left alive.There's the church for comfort, but no shelter. There are homeless shelters, but accommodations for a woman with two young children are rare and always filled. And the shelters often harbor thieves and rapists. They have easy pickings among defenseless women and children.There is no easy way out. Like the old routine goes, "You can't get there from here!"All of a sudden, I had this insane idea. I knew I could take Marcie and Amy and Zach to a place I knew was safe.Oh - oh, I could hear Jake's voice telling me to be cool, to be professional, to not get involved: it was none of my business.Well too late old friend, I was already in a fucking mood. Hell, I walked in the hospital with one and I'd be walking out with a bigger one unless I could do. In her sexual fantasies Alice usually used the last male image she'd come in contact with for her little finger games. But this morning after talking about her cousin Betty it was only natural to think of her other cousin, Betty's brother. So she let Stephen's form fill her thoughts and then undressed him. She imagined him on his knees begging her to let him touch her. But she made him lay on the floor and then walked across his body scornfully as she fingerfucked her juicy blonde-fringed cunt over his upturned face."Ohhhh," she gasped, letting her eyes flutter closed. "Ohhhh, Goddamn!"As her finger slipped down over her clit hood, down to where her cherry was, Alice remembered a particular doctor some two years in the past. She could remember the way the office had smelled, the dog-eared magazines and her mother's hovering presence. Her motor had insisted on the checkup.A pelvic examination was what they called it. Alice hadn't been particularly embarrassed. In fact she'd found.
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