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As planned we met at her place for dinner and she had cooked it all by herself and there was some Bacardi white Rum also so mohan sort of rejoiced over the food and once the food was done we had desert during all this course of time she never behaved as if she is a slut or she was wanting to get fucked by MohanShe was fantastic host and a perfect lady cum housewife. I got a call genuinely from a client from (UK) and they said they wanted the proposal since directors have called for a meeting the following day in the first hour and I had to rush so I excused myself and left the place taking Mohan’s car.Mohan: After the departure of Archana I sat on the couch and watching some Hindi movie and after a while say about 10 min or so I heard a sound of glass break I asked if everything was alright and she said it’s okI rushed to kitchen to see by myself when I saw she had dropped the ice cream jar on the floor and she had a cut on her toe and leg (2 inches above ankle) it was bleeding I. Jessica, as was ordered, climbed on the table and squatted keeping her cunt just above the notepad. Then Heffner inserted a pencil into her crotch and asked her to start trying to write English alphabets on that notepad by moving her hips. She started with the first letter ‘A’ of English alphabets and tried really hard to draw the figure on the paper but it, when got completed, was beyond recognizable. The drawn figure was looking like anything but any alphabet. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain on her ass and she turned back her head to look what caused her rear so much pain. She saw Heffner staring at her in anger with a thick wooden scale in his hands. Heffner shouted, ?You worthless slut whore! Can’t you do even smallest of a task? Can you tell me what the fuck you drew?? and again hit her ass very hard which caused her shriek in pain. I have studied in Harvard and was gold medalist there but there they never taught me how to write using my vagina. Tears ran down her cheeks and.
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