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“Will, give me a hand and adjust these safeties,” she asked. We soon had them adjusted, and Mare began to workout using the 600 pounds on the barbell. She did two groups of ten repetitions each before returning to barbell to its place on the top of the rack. On rising from the bench, she worked her shoulder and back muscles for a short time.“I like that. I believe that I’ll add it to my workout schedule,” she told me. Mare sat the bar and the weights on the floor before we returned to our own workouts. Later there was lunch after showering at the gym.“Thank you, my dear,” Mac told us, as we were leaving the gym later. “They really would have raised our insurance rates if that big Russian had been killed or badly hurt,” he told us with a smile.There were no more incidents with the weight lifting team even though we often saw many of them in the gym now. There were only two of them in our classes though, as the remainder were upper class-men.Soon after this, we were into the holiday. He told her that he was married with 3 kids. He also told her that he might want to fuck her too, if Alisha agreed. She hugged Colin, I think I might want both of you to fuck me before the pig does, ok? They drove about 30 miles out from Logan to a small ranch. It was about 5 miles off the main road……. out in the middle of nowhere and very isolated. As they drove up, Alisha saw that there were several new outbuildings and several corals with different animals in them. Colin saw Jeremiah standing alongside his truck outside one of the buildings. When they got out Jeremiah came to Colin and hugged him and shook his hand. Colin introduced Alisha to him. Alisha noticed that Jeremiah was a very good looking man about 40. He looked to be in very good shape. He looked at Alisha and told her what a beautiful woman she was. “So you like animals, Alisha?” he asked. “Yes I do. I’ve only been around horses and dogs so far though.” She couldn’t help but notice how he was checking.
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