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"Easier said than done, he thought as she pushed her bicycle toward the showers. He got off his bike and stood next to it, drank from his water bottle, and tried to use the t-shirt dangling from the seat to hide his erection. The saving grace was sifting through his memories, trying to think of anything but sex. He remembered the time on spring break when he'd seen four women who were easily 350 pounds each at the beach in bikinis.That took the steel out of him in a hurry and made his skin crawl.He parked his bike at the showers - manhood dangling once more - just as Gayle rode up."Come on in, the water's fine," Jeanie said as she luxuriated in the spray.Seeing the two older women with rivulets of water cascading down their bodies threatened to send him rising once more. Letting the spray hit him in the face and a few thoughts back to that day on the beach did the trick of keeping him flaccid."I don't know about you, but a half hour or so in the air-conditioning sounds like a good. She wished her bedroom had a door, but her house master and his wife preferred to quietly access her at all times, often when she was asleep.She would often be awoken in the night to find her hips being raised and her ass entered, often it seemed more like a dream. Perhaps the only the thing that frustrated her was the long stares she received, not just by her masters sent their guests but by the other staff and the house dog. It was as if they all sensed her openness and submission, as yet though the only one to mount her had been the house master and his wife who used a wooden tool, sometimes quite roughly. She hoped they would be the only ones. Part 5.Sometimes at night, Aida allowed herself to think back to when her life at the castle began. Her mother had encouraged her to apply for the role of the room maid and said the money would help everyone. The interview, which she had done alongside five other girls from the village, had been conducted in a cold auditorium in the.
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