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I recently had a pregnancy scare and so Daddy put me on the pill and my tits were growing like mellons. My brothers told me that a steady diet of semen, makes tits grow very large and if I wanted big tits I must swallow as much as I could every day. Well, I would have done that regardless because nothing gets my pussy wetter than the feel of a cock, filling my mouth with its reward. My tits were growing though so maybe there was something to that.I was in the shower early in the morning. I thought about daddy climbing into bed with me the night before and fucking me stupid. And then making me swallow about a quart of his hot salty cum. Oh! My! God! was it ever the most delicious stuff I've ever had in my mouth! I rinsed my hair while thinking of this and then tried to masturbate. But no matter how many fingers I put in my pussy, it just wasn't enough. I needed something else. Something really gross and nasty.I put on a stretchy white tanktop that did nothing to hide my ever-growing. If I’d smiled, I’m sure some of the huge volume of spunk would run out through my teeth. I opened my mouth to show him I still had his spunk in there. I licked my lips and then made a show of swallowing.I sat down on the floor and leant back on my arms. I watched him breathing, recovering his composure. His cock was becoming soft, looking good, looking satisfied. It still had the thong d****d over it. He lifted it off his cock and to his nose. There must have been a couple of drops of cum on them as he licked it off with a grin. Behind him, I noticed a clock on the wall. I’d only been here for 24 minutes. In that time, I’d had so many firsts; seen my first erect cock in the flesh, sucked my first cock, fingered my first arse, swallowed spunk, been sucked by a man. Well it seemed a good way to spend an evening!Paul stood up and stepped toward me. He put out his hand to help me up. We both stood in front of each other, him stark bollock naked, me still in my underwear. There was no.
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