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" Trunk!" I said with some genuine indignation. Some."C'mon River, I've been watching the both of you since last night. You want to kiss him, he wants to kiss you — as far a I can tell you two have been dancing around each other's spirits since you were kids, and from clear across Arbor at that!" Are you so forward in your own relationships?" I asked."Yes I am." Trunk said."And Sid?" Well, no, Sid is definitely not." Trunk admitted."Well neither am I." I answered."We'll see. One of you is going to get unpredictable, I have a feeling."We hadn't gone another mile when Sid came riding up out of the brush and low ground beside the trail with two rabbits tied to his saddle horn. He had a cloth in his hand, bulging with something as well."Looks like rabbits and blueberries for midday meal!" He said.It had been less than thirty minutes, as Trunk had predicted, and that included stopping to pick blueberries? I blushed as I thought of loosing the bet Trunk had wanted to make."What?" Sid said,. After removing a strange digi-egg from a stone pedestal inside, Davis had met Veemon, a miscievous little blue digimon claiming to have been waiting for him, but before explanations could be properly given, it happened."Gaah!" Tai Grunted as the entire caverns suddenly shook, rubble and dust falling all around the group."What's that?! An earthquake?!" Davis cried out, still trying to get his head around the whole Veemon situation."No, look up there!" T.K answered, pointing upwards.The top of the cave had been breached, and the head of what looked like a massive, plated rhino had begun tearing through the solid stone, making an opening for itself as the walls trembled."It's a monster!" Davis yelped in panic."No, it's a Digimon!" Kari corrected."Monochromon!" T.K immediately pointed out, as the massive beast finally smashed a hole large enough to fit through, and jumped down into the shaking cave. Its eyes glowed bright red and a strange dark ring was looped around its body."Boom.
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