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Then I told her to take off her panties and put on a pair of my Jockey shorts so we can fashion a bulge for her. I used a couple pairs of my socks folded to give the impression of a guy's package between her legs. I made sure it was big enough so that she'd have to cross her legs differently and be constantly aware of her pseudo-package being down there. Then two pair of socks and my shoes with Kleenex stuffed into the toes so she could keep them on her smaller feet. She slipped on one of my shirts and a pair of my pants to complete her look. Then she also put her hair up into a tight bun and took off the earrings she always wore. Then it was my turn again and with a half-slip and one of my camisoles on first, Julie brought out a couple of her dresses from the closet for me to try on.I can't put into words how it felt to walk back downstairs dressed as I was. Totally different and yet not all that uncomfortable. During the day, as we went about doing all the different things we would. Out kiss lingered, tongues twisting and teasing as her hands slid down and caressed my curves just above the hips. I pulled her tight to me and deepened the kiss, loving the feel of this raven haired woman’s hands on my body, her scent filling my senses. I felt her pull away slightly, and looked to see her smiling into my eyes.“Not the idea I came to share, but a lovely start, Kat” she whispered in my ear as she pulled me close again, letting her lips caress my earlobe as she spoke. “Would you like to know what my idea is?” I answered by letting my arms slip down around her waist and my hands run over her lovely ass, squeezing each cheek gently and nibbling at her neckline. “I’ll take that as a yes”, she sighed as my teeth grazed over her collarbone.Se took my hand and led me to the couch, placing the bag she was carrying on my lap. “Open it” she said, and I did.Inside I found a little black dress, a very nice silk slip, incredible black silk stockings and a new garter belt set..
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