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Oo you're bad." You moaned still trying to tell me to stop. "Mom your pussy so wet, I want to fuck it all night. Keep screaming. I want you to cry out like it hurts. Take all this dick and give me a kiss" I planted my lips on hers and she willingly kissed back."I-I'm going to. Mm punish you fo-for for putting you penni in my vagina. Ooo stop, take it out." She screamed but her legs never unwrapped from around me.There's no way I was going to stop. I was as hard as a rock and it was feeling good just to be in there. I slammed in and out of her wet pussy. I looked at her face expressions and she was enjoying herself more than I. For a disabled woman she was really cute. But I think if she was normal I wouldn't be able to fuck her. She's an easy target right now."Yes baby yes yes I think I'm cumin on your dick. I can feel it. I'm going to cum." She yelled.I sucked on her nipples beating her pussy until I felt her about to cum again. "It hurt Rya5n stop. Mommy can't take it no more." She. There were rations and water near and I had a drink then went looking for the washroom. A guard in armour pointed the way after saluting. Even while expelling wastes, I got Gordo to give an update.Toxlo had fallen but we were prepared for further resistance. Walt as Rontem gloated over his 'easy' victory and talked of what was going to happen next. A census was completed and Garbo tried to get everybody back to work. We searched for weapons. Those we found were tagged and the owner's name affixed to it. They did not believe that they would get the weapons back when diplomatic relations were normalised. This was all done as we slept.I waited for Betts to wake up before I listened to the specifics of the bad news. When she did wake up she quickly looked around to find me then smiled. She then saw what was ahead of us. I helped her up and held her to me. "You better get ready for our day. We have some bad news to hear and a lot of work to do." Betts hugged me to her and started to.
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