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She started to move up and down my shaft on her own I took the hand I guided her with and slowly moved it around her apple shaped butt between her knees witch she held tight together and circled my 2 fingers around her pussy lips. I brought my fingers to both of our mouth touching her overly wet pussy bring in them to my mouth tasting them. Then bringing them back to her wetness and slowly putting my fingers in her mouth. I told her she tastes like a goddess then turned her around and kissed her so I could taste her lips witch now tasted like her pussy. I held her aginst the shower wall. My cock pressed tight aginst her flat belly. Then she said wait. I had the urge to throw her on the shower floor and take her. I caught my self though. She looked at me and said she didn't know if she could do this. What the hell I said your vagina is literally dripping for my cock. She said she wanted to have sex with me but she had only been with her fiancé before. I was shocked. she said she. Since I worked from home I was always there and I decided to get him a bathrobe and have a warm shower going for him so he could shower , have a dinner and watch porn while I sucked him. The typical day would go like this, he comes in, I touch the front of his pants and massage his fat, beautiful manly dick and lead him to the bathroom to shower- He would shower and then call me in to Wash his cock . I would lather it up and gently lift and wash his balls and stroke his cock with my soapy hands- careful not to make him cum-then I would take the hand shower and rinse his cock and balls, get him his robe, and he would lean over me while in the tub and bace himself on sink while I dried his foot ( his cock pressed against my face as I did this) , then he would step out,raise his other foot and I would dry that(again he would purposely press his dick against my face and have a cocky smirk on his face (knowing that I loved his dick and will be sucking him soon). Then we would go.
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