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Her pussy lips were tight together, but with a little glistening coming from them, so I knew she was little excited. Kayla stood by the side of the bed as Samantha climbed on to the bed next to me. “Now do as I told you Sam.” Kayla said as I saw one of her hands between her legs slowly rubbing against her thong. Samantha moved over the top of my chest and straddled me. She slowly moved up my body until her pussy was just above my face. “Now Brian you know what to do, you have to get her really wet so your big dick and get in her pussy.” Kayla said, almost with a groan. I love it when my wife talks dirty like that; it turns me on even more. I slowly stuck my tongue out and lifted my head up. The tip of my tongue slowly split Samantha’s pussy lips opens as I tasted her nectar coming from it.I moaned as tasted her juices, they tasted sweet and fresh. I slowly tried to push my tongue further into her pussy as I heard Samantha exclaim, “Oh my fucking god!” Kayla laughed a little, “You. D checked out Gabriel’s pretty butt and said, ‘Hell yeah!’ Gabriel asked if D wanted a drink. The thug said yes and for brown liquor only. Gabriel produced two red solo cups as he invited D into the kitchen. His ass was glistening. He poured the first drink with the Jack Daniels. Then he asked, ‘Do you want some Pepsi with that?’ ‘Yeah,’ D said. Gabriel added the soda. D walked back to living room as Gabriel mixed his gin and orange juice. When Gabirel got back to the living room, D was stretched out on the dark-brown sofa from Ikea. D was sipping and already had the blunt lit up. D took another puff and passed it over to Gabriel. The older sissy inhaled twice and gave it back to D. Gabriel was feeling good. He pulled the Sean John relaxed fit jeans down from D’s waist. He grabbed the soft dick and placed it though the opening of D’s green boxer briefs. Gabriel began to kiss it. He put his mouth all the way on it. The limp cock grew to nine full inches and it was thick. .
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