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His hands slowly move to your nice ass and rests them there. After no resistance from you, he there begins to rub it. This continues through the rest of the song. A fast song comes back on and you reluctantly pull away and begin dancing. You spin around so your back is to him and back up to him. You begin the seductive grind of your ass on him. He grabs your hips and grinds back. Now he can’t keep his hands of you. When the song ends, you give him a thank you hug and kiss. I notice the kiss lasts longer than a normal thank you kiss. You walk back to the table hand in hand for more drinks. You sit down next to “John”. I ask if you are enjoying yourself. “Absolutely” you reply. “Good I am glad” I respond. “Are you enjoying yourself” you ask. “Most definitely” I answer. I then notice that his hand is now resting on your bare leg and you have your hand on his leg. Another drink, some more chatting then off the two of you go to dance some more. The bump and grind continues on the fast. My dick is so hard a cat can't scratch it. I can't believe this is actually happening & with such a absolutely gorgeous gurl. My God I'm so lucky definitely going to make the most of it tonight. When we get up to leave I put my hand out to help you stand from the booth, and when you stand I tenderly pull you close and kiss you, Slowly and actually lovingly. While we are walking out of the bar I'm holding your hand, things change when we step outside. I pull you close and our lips meet for a very playful but sexual kiss. My right hand caresses your face and my left is rubbing your back. People walk by are staring and we laugh. Your apartment is not far so we walk arm in arm, stopping every few steps to stop and kiss.You live on the fifth floor we take the stairs instead of the elevator.I am in love with the way your ass moves in your skirt. On the third floor landing I grab you and kiss you as our lips touch the electricity in our body is is felt in my toes. I press you against the.
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