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We now were able to settle on a basic design. We did need to know just how big we could go, so the John W. was built with the dimensions scaled up by 50%.John was so pleased with his ship that we went for broke and scaled the Wilbur H. to be double the size of the Jimmy W. Wilbur reported that his ship had a tendency to be a bit ungainly, so we decided to scale the next ship back to the size of the John W. when we got around to building it.The size of John W. seemed to be close to ideal. It was large enough that we could hang a single-seater ultralight from a trapeze at the stern of the gondola. The plane could be launched and retrieved while the mother ship was in flight, so we had a very good combination for scouting and general mapping.We now had so many people that Village #1 had just gotten too big. We needed to split into two villages, but the first question was who would go and who would stay. To answer that, we held a kind of balloting where each family unit voted to stay or. Flares were getting shot up all over the place now and it was almost like daylight. I decided then and there it might be better to find a place to spend the night other than the “safe” Air Base. My first job was to liberate a functional M16 and get myself a pocket gun for back-up in situations like these.The “Trash Cans” were coming from way out past China Beach. They must be zeroed in pretty good to get them inside the Air Base from such a long distance. I suspect the use of inside spotters was their way of gaining a small degree of accuracy. In fact, they were basically randomly targeted in the general direction of the Air Base. Any success was simply a matter of luck. Just like the German rocket barrage of London was primarily area aiming and not geared to any one target.I headed out to the “Ville” early the next morning and traded some smokes for a small .38 Cal pistol of Spanish design. It was a cheapie, but I test fired it in an alley. The locals were not amused. Ammo would not.
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